Hourly rental score of Istanbu...

This is an automated Linkedin post reflection

Hourly rental score of Istanbul’s bike-sharing system (BSS), Isbike, during national/eid holiday week. In the evening it goes up to 400 bike rental activities per hour. Since there were mass returns from hometowns on Sunday, activity scores dropped and became irregular.

It can be seen in the graph that the activity values ​​are weak in the morning hours. Although not featured in the video, this pattern is very similar on working days outside of this holiday. This gives an important clue that Isbike is insufficient for commuting use and spatial distribution of the stations confirms this.

Instant data was captured with Raspberry Pi using İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi Isbike API, processed with Pandas/Python and visualized on Foursquare Studio.